

Senior Portrait Services

Celebrate your senior’s milestone year with a creative studio or outdoor portrait sessions from IOP Schools. The team at IOP has more than 30 years of experience with portrait photography, more than half of that dedicated to students and seniors. We create a fun and relaxing environment for your senior that will put them at ease and lets their personality shine through!



What should I wear?

Bring a variety of clothing styles and colors. Stay away from high contrast outfits such as black and white. Clothes should be pressed, on hangers, and ready to wear. Don’t forget coordinating shoes and accessories.

How should I style my hair?

Schedule haircuts for one to two weeks prior to your portrait so that it can look natural. Style normally; don’t try out new hairstyles. If you would like to shoot various hairstyles, bring all styling products.

Will my hands show?

Yes! We recommend a manicure prior to your session.

Should I wear normal makeup?

Simply applying a little heavier than normal will be fine. If you normally don’t wear makeup or are unsure about how to apply for your best portrait look, we recommend using one of our professional make-up artists to be sure even coverage is applied.

Should I bring props?

Yes! Athletic uniforms, musical instruments, books, hats…whatever is uniquely you!

What happens after my session?

Typically proofs are posted within three weeks after the session. You can order from your online proofs or schedule an ordering session at our studio.

Our Work